Detox at Home

We are getting closer to Spring and with the seasonal shift detoxification and cleansing are starting to be on people's thoughts. There are a lot of detox kits on the markets that allow for a week ( or longer ) detox. These are a great option, but with the amount of toxins we are exposed to, detox is required more than once a year. So, below are some great options to add in to your daily lives to relieve the body of our heavy toxin load. 

1. Lemon water in the morning

This may not be a new idea to most of you but its a good one! Lemon is packed with vitamin C which is required in so many processes in the body from collagen formation to adrenal gland nourishment. Lemon also helps to kick start the digestive processes, especially in the liver. The liver is involved in a variety of functions in the body including nutrient metabolism, vitamin metabolism, bile production, and detoxification. The liver takes toxic substances and converts them into less toxic products that won't damage the body. Love your liver!

2.  Dry skin brushing

Dry skin brushing is a super simple way to activate the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of our circulatory system and carries immune system components called lymphocytes, helps control fluid balance, and helps with absorption and transport of fats and fat-soluble nutrients. With regard to its function in "fluid balance", this means that it drains fluids from all the tissues and within this fluid will be debris from the cells, including bug, viruses etc. These pathogens will then be presented to the immune system to determine the next mode of action. So, what does dry skin brushing have to do with all of this? Well, the brushing stimulates the lymphatics to move the lymph along. This means the lymph can do all the processes mentioned..better! This means a healthier you. I've also used it to help with fat mobilization under the skin (AKA cellulite):)

3. Epsom salt baths

Adding epsom salts to your baths is a very powerful and relaxing way to detox. The salts are made of magnesium and sulfate pull other salts and toxins out of the body. The magnesium has the added benefit of being very relaxing to the muscles and can help with magnesium deficiencies. 600 grams of epsom salts in a bath 2-3 times a week is what the research is showing. Yet, even if its a bath one day a week ,it will still be beneficial. 

4. Castor oil packs

Castor oil packs are an amazing therapy for a multitude of conditions from cysts and masses, to pain relief, and even detoxification of the liver. Castor oil is high in lectins that have an affinity for white blood cells. Basically the castor oil stimulates white blood cells to respond to invaders ( AKA that cyst on your breast etc). Also, lectins are involved in opening the pathways between cells allowing substances ( cellular debris, foreign invaders etc) to move to the lymphatics and to be disposed off. Castor oil packs have traditionally been used over the liver to encourage liver detoxification. I use castor oil over arthritis areas, cysts/masses, areas of pain, and over the liver for general detox. I generally explain to patients that you place some castor oil over a peace of flannel or cotton cloth. Put the cloth over the area you want to treat. Then apply a heat source ( heating pad, water bottle etc). Let it sit for 30 minutes. Castor oil can stain so be careful of the clothes you have on. Depending on your heating source, you may want to place an old towel between the applied castor oil and the heating source as it will stain the fabric cover on that heating source.

Yours in Health, Dr. Klatt

Melissa Klatt