
Statins are one of the most used medications to help control cholesterol levels. Yet, Statins are becoming more and more controversial in the medical world. Reason being, is that their ability to prevent future cardiovascular events is actually quite poor. If you are an individual who hasn't had a heart attack and does not have heart disease there is no "mortality benefit." This means that you have the same risk of dying from a cardiovascular event whether you are on or off the statin. To top that off, the side effects are extensive. and some are quite serious.

These include:

  1. A significantly increased risk of Type 11 Diabetes ***
  2. Myalgia ( muscle pain) or muscle weakness
  3. Low Libido
  4. Fatigue
  5. Rhabdomyolysis: Muscle breakdown causing severe muscle fatigue and pain. The muscle breakdown is destructive to the kidney and can cause Kidney damage.

If you are on a statin there are some supplements that get depleted and can exacerbate the side effects. It will be important to supplement while taking the statin. 

  1. Coq10- This coenzyme is a part of the electron transport chain which creates ATP- the energy source for each cell. When someone takes a statin it blocks an enzyme called HMG CoA reductase which is also required to form Coq10. Thus, you have lower levels of Coq10 when you are taking a statin which leads to lower overall energy for each cell. This is one of the postulated theories of why statins cause myalgia and even, rhabdomyolysis. 
  2. Vitamin D- Some studies have found that by supplementing with Vitamin D, statin-intolerant individuals were able to tolerate statins without unwanted side effects. P.S. cholesterol is used to make vitamin D!
  3. Vitamin K2- Another study has shown that statins inhibit the production of vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 has gained a lot of buzz as it has been discovered it is K2 that actually puts the calcium where it should go- AKA the bones. Without it, calcium can get deposited into vessels and they become stiff leading to heart disease. 

If you are on a statin talk to your doctor or naturopathic doctor about whether a statin is right for you.

In your health, Dr. Melissa Klatt, ND